
Stay Hydrated: Essential Water Intake and Effective Tips to Keep You Hydrated!

Stay Hydrated: Essential Water Intake and Effective Tips to Keep You Hydrated!

W​ater is essential for the proper functioning of every cell in the body. It aids the digestive system, helps prevent constipation, flushes toxins from the body, promotes good kidney function, keeps joints and muscles lubricated, supports healthier and younger-looking skin, and helps regulate body temperature. To reap all these benefits effectively, it’s essential to stay hydrated.

Slim180 Weight Loss recommends this minimum daily intake of water:

  • 10 cups, 80 ounces daily

You lose water through breathing, sweating, urination, and bowel movements. It is important to continually replenish your body’s water supply by consuming water-containing foods and beverages. Approximately 20% of your daily liquid intake comes from food, with the remaining 80% coming from drinks for staying hydrated.

Certain individuals, including infants, young children, and people who work or exercise outdoors, are more likely to become dehydrated. Even mild dehydration can cause tiredness and low energy levels. Moreover, older adults are at a higher risk of dehydration due to a reduced fluid reserve, decreased ability to conserve water, and a less acute sense of thirst as they age. Chronic illnesses such as diabetes and dementia, as well as certain medications, can exacerbate these issues. Additionally, mobility issues in older adults can limit their ability to access water.

How can you tell if you’re drinking enough water?

You are consuming enough fluids if you rarely feel thirsty and your urine is colorless or light yellow. To ensure you stay hydrated, drink water regularly with meals, during exercise, and whenever you feel thirsty. Although increasing your water intake may appear effortless, it does require significant effort to remember to do so.

Here are some tips for upping your water game:

Flavor it.

Add fruit to your water: lemons, limes, and oranges are classic choices, while cucumbers, watermelon, strawberries, and herbs are also delightful options to make drinking water more enjoyable and help you stay hydrated.

Tie it into a routine.

Drink a glass of water every time you brush your teeth, eat a meal, or use the bathroom. This practice ensures that you stay consistently hydrated throughout your day.

steps to take in more water, Stay Hydrated
Eat it.

Several fruits and vegetables, such as melons, cucumbers, lettuce, and celery, contain a high amount of water, contributing to your hydration goals.

Hydrating Fruit and Vegetables Stay Hydrated
Track it.

Consider investing in a high-tech water bottle that connects to your smartphone to help you track your water intake. Alternatively, you can set an alarm as a reminder and track your intake in your calendar, ensuring you remember to stay hydrated.

Stay Hydrated
Challenge a friend.

Kickstart a friendly competition with a friend or your kids to see who can reach their hydration goal more often. This can make the effort to stay hydrated more fun and engaging.

Water Challenge: Stay Hydrated
Take it to go.

Drinking enough water while on the go can be challenging. Remember to fill your water bottle before leaving home and bring it with you on your daily travels to stay hydrated.

Stay Hydrated
Alternate your drinks.

If you find it challenging to completely give up soda or juice, try switching between them and water. After finishing a glass of water, have some soda or juice, and then switch back to water. This method helps in staying hydrated while still enjoying your preferred drinks.

Stay Hydrated

Soda… What does it do to our bodies?

Soda… What does it do to our bodies?


Soda has been a popular beverage for decades. But have you ever wondered what harmful ingredients it might contain and what they may do to your body?

Consuming soda has been linked to numerous adverse effects on the human body, as stated by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). These effects include an increased risk of weight gain and obesity, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, type 2 diabetes, heart and kidney disease, as well as tooth decay and cavities. Additionally, soda consumption has been associated with an increased risk of gout.  (Get the Facts: Sugar-Sweetened Beverages and Consumption | Nutrition | CDC)

Colas can cause you to pack on pounds quickly, putting you at risk for obesity and chronic disease. In addition to the calories and sugar, sodas — particularly dark-colored sodas — contain chemicals and acids that give them their distinct taste and color. These chemicals can also take a toll on your health.

How does soda impact your body? - Quora

Let’s dig into what chemicals found in soda can be potentially harmful to your body:

Bisphenol A – in most Soda Bottles

BPA stands for bisphenol A, an industrial chemical used to make certain plastics and resins since the 1950s.

Artificial color

The most common artificial dyes in soda are caramel color (4-mel), yellow #5, and blue #1.

Phosphoric acid and caffeine

Excessive intake of phosphoric acid changes the calcium/phosphorus ratio and imbalances not only the calcium/phosphorus ratio but also the acid-base in the body, resulting in decreased bone density, osteoporosis, and fractures.

Brominated vegetable oil

Brominated vegetable oil is used to help emulsify citrus-flavored soft drinks, preventing them from separating during distribution.

Sodium Benzoate

Known as benzoate of soda is the sodium salt of benzoic acid, widely used as a food preservative (with an E number of E211) and a pickling agent

Sodium benzoate can act as a food preservative.

High-fructose corn syrup

High-fructose corn syrup, also known as glucose-fructose, isoglucose, and glucose-fructose syrup, is a sweetener made from corn starch.

Acesulfame potassium

Acesulfame potassium, also known as acesulfame K or Ace K, is a synthetic calorie-free sugar substitute often marketed under the trade names Sunett and Sweet One.

Bisphenol A (BPA)BPA-free isn't necessarily better, new study says

BPA is found in polycarbonate plastics and epoxy resins. Polycarbonate plastics, such as water bottles, are often used in food and beverage containers. They may also be used in other consumer goods.

Bisphenol A (BPA) in soda can have health risks, including:

  • Possible effects on the brain and prostate gland of fetuses, infants, and children
  • Affecting children’s behavior
  • Increased blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular disease
  • Potential harm to the immune system
  • Interference with endocrine function
  • Risks related to heart disease, type 2 diabetes, body weight, fetal brain development, breast and prostate cancer, and asthma


Artificial Color: 4-methylimidazole (4-mel) 4-Methylimidazole – Linyi Ryanox Chemical Co., LTD

4-Mel is a chemical found in sodas that produces caramel coloring. It is a chemical compound that forms a byproduct at low levels in some foods and beverages during ordinary cooking. It is used to make certain pharmaceuticals, photographic chemicals, dyes, pigments, cleaning and agricultural chemicals, and rubber products. Dark-colored sodas contain a potentially carcinogenic chemical called 4-methylimidazole (4-MeI)

The World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer, along with the state of California, which now limits manufacturers to 29 micrograms of exposure for the average consumer per day, believes the chemical causes cancer. Large amounts of 4-Mel caused lung, liver, and thyroid cancer as well as leukemia in studies performed on rats.

In 2007, a federal government study concluded that 4-MeI caused cancer in mice, and in 2011, the International Agency for Research on Cancer determined the chemical to be “possibly carcinogenic to humans.” As of January 7, 2012, California requires manufacturers to label a product sold in the state with a cancer warning if it exposes consumers to more than 29 micrograms of 4-MeI per day. There’s no federal limit for levels of 4-MeI in foods and beverages; however, California has taken steps to address this issue.

Sodas that contain 4-Mel include Malta Goya, Pepsi One, Diet Coke, Coke, and Coke Zero.


These 11 Popular Sodas Tested Positive for a Potential Carcinogen – Mother Jones

Phosphorus and Phosphoric Acid

Difference Between Phosphorus and Phosphate | Physical and Chemical ...

Phosphorus in soda can be harmful for you because:
  • Excessive phosphorus intake can reduce calcium levels and hinder the body’s ability to utilize other minerals.
  • Regularly consuming high amounts of soda has been associated with a higher risk of bone fractures.
  • Phosphoric acid harms tooth enamel.
  • Cola drinks containing phosphoric acid can be hard on the kidneys and may result in kidney damage.

Phosphorus is a mineral that keeps your bones strong and other body parts healthy. Your kidneys can’t remove extra phosphorus from your blood very well. Too much can weaken bones and damage your blood vessels, eyes, and heart. Meat, dairy, beans, nuts, whole-grain bread, and dark-colored sodas are high in phosphorus. Phosphorus is also added to lots of packaged foods.

Phosphoric acid contains phosphorus in the form of phosphate. It exists naturally in foods such as meat and dairy, but the type added to soda is synthesized. Phosphoric acid is added to soft drinks to help prevent the growth of molds and bacteria in sugary formulas and to provide a sharper after-taste.

The consumption of soda is undeniably linked to a higher risk of bone fractures, even in teenagers, and an increased risk of developing osteoporosis. Minerals such as calcium unquestionably provide strength and density to bones; therefore, reduced mineralization undeniably leads to weak or brittle bones. Moreover, another significant reason why drinking sodas may weaken bones is that they often undoubtedly replace calcium-rich milk in the diets of children and teenagers. Furthermore, caffeine can surely interfere with calcium absorption and unquestionably contribute to lower bone density.

Health Risks of Fructose in Dark Soda

High Fructose Corn Syrup

Regular colas contain fructose, a high-fructose corn sweetener component that the body metabolizes and stores as fat. Furthermore, the dark color of colas is attributed to chemicals, and the artificial sweeteners in diet colas can potentially contribute to increased fat storage.

It’s important to be mindful of fat accumulation, as it can lead to nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and potentially progress to cirrhosis, a serious condition marked by liver scarring. A 2015 study published in the Journal of Hepatology highlighted the link between consuming fructose and the increased risk of developing this condition. The study also found that adults who drank more than one sugary beverage per day were 55% more likely to have fatty liver disease compared to those who did not.

Brominated vegetable oil (BVO)

Brominated Vegetable Oils in Beverages

Brominated vegetable oil (BVO) is included in sodas to keep the artificial flavors and the rest of the soda from separating. While it might do its job, it’s also linked to health issues such as memory loss, nerve disorders, and skin conditions. BVO is in many types of beverages. It’s commonly found in beverages such as Fanta, Mountain Dew, and Gatorade. One of the main components in BVO is bromine, the same element found in brominated flame retardants.

What is brominated vegetable oil, and why did the FDA ban it in food? | Live Science

ACE-K     Ace-K

It is around 200 times sweeter than sugar and is used to give food and drinks a sweet taste without adding calories (2Trusted Source). Acesulfame works by stimulating the sweet-taste receptors on the tongue so a person can enjoy the taste of sweetness without consuming sugar.

Manufacturers usually blend acesulfame potassium with other sweeteners, such as aspartame and sucralose, to mask the bitter aftertaste that sweeteners can have on their own. Interestingly, the body may not break down or store acesulfame potassium as it does with other food. Instead, the body absorbs it and then passes it, unchanged, through urine.

The CSPI Trusted Source states that despite the limitations of early research, there are health concerns associated with Ace-K, including cancer, hormone disruption, and risks to pregnant individuals. Additionally, there is evidence that acetoacetamide, a substance formed in the body during the breakdown of Ace-K, can cause thyroid damage in laboratory animals.

Finally, a study determined that the chronic use of Ace-K in male mice was linked to possible changes in brain function over a period of 40 weeks.

4 Tips to Sip Sugar/Chemical-Free

  • Read nutrition labels and ingredients. Drinks that may seem reasonable for you, like energy drinks and bottled smoothies, could be loaded with added sugars. Look for these terms in the ingredients list: sucrose, glucose, maltose, dextrose, syrups, concentrated fruit juice, agave, and honey. Read the Nutrition Facts label carefully. One container may be more than one serving, which can double or triple the added sugars you’re getting.
  • Cut back slowly. If you regularly drink sugary beverages, slowly incorporate less sweet versions into your day. For example, stir together half-sweetened iced tea with half-unsweetened iced tea. Gradually reduce the number of sweetened beverages.
  • Choose water. Plain water is your body’s preferred way to hydrate, and it’s naturally sugar-free. Here are some ways to make drinking water easy and more enjoyable:
    • Carry a refillable water bottle or keep a cup at your desk to make water the go-to choice.
    • Add slices of your favorite fruits for a boost of flavor.
    • Try seltzer or sparking water if you prefer fizzy carbonated drinks.
    • Sip a smoothie. When you’re in the mood for something sweet or need an afternoon energy boost, skip the sweetened coffee and soda. Instead, whip up a homemade smoothie. Toss any fruits and/or vegetables you have on hand into a blender with ice, fat-free, or low-fat milk or yogurt.

    Slim180 High-protein Snacks, why are they important?

    Slim180 High-protein Snacks Play a crucial role in successful weight loss!!


    Here’s why:


    Muscle Maintenance: It’s common to lose fat and muscle during weight loss. Protein helps preserve and build lean muscle mass, essential for maintaining a high metabolic rate.


    Blood Sugar Stabilization: Low-calorie, high-protein snacks slow digestion and help stabilize blood sugar levels, reducing hunger and preventing overeating at the next meal.


    Satiety and Appetite Regulation: Protein-rich foods are highly satiating, meaning they help keep you full and satisfied for extended periods. They increase levels of appetite-reducing hormones (GLP-1, peptide YY, and cholecystokinin) while reducing the hunger hormone ghrelin. This can naturally lead to consuming fewer calories overall.


    Calorie Burn: Digesting and metabolizing protein burns more calories than carbs or fat. Approximately 20-30% of protein calories are used during digestion, contributing to weight loss.


    Increased Metabolism: A high protein intake boosts metabolism, especially during overfeeding. It makes you burn more calories around the clock, even during sleep


    Healthy Snack Options: Choose high-protein snacks with at least 7 grams of protein per serving. These can support weight loss while providing other health benefits like muscle growth and healthy digestion. Slim180 Snacks have 10-15 grams of protein per serving.


    Slim180 has incorporated a specific combination of amino acids required to aid in weight reduction naturally.  Amino acids are the “building blocks” of all proteins.  Protein stimulates metabolism by allowing your body to burn up to 30% of its calories through digestion.


    Amino acids:
    • Ensure proper nitrogen balance
    • Appetite suppression
    • Regulate the body’s metabolic rate
    • The body cannot produce essential amino acids; they must be obtained from food


    Benefits of protein Slim Snacks:
    • Stimulates the metabolism above its standard rates
    • Increases energy
    • Decreases hunger
    • Adds variety to help prevent deviating
    • Improves skin and hair
    • Regulates water balance
    • Fewer plateaus
    • Stimulates new cell growth
    • It helps repair damaged tissue

    Use 3 Slim Snacks per day. Be sure to eat them before 9:00 p.m. You may enjoy snacks in between meals, with your meals, or when cooking.

    Uncover the Power of Slim180’s All-Natural Supplements to Accelerate Your Weight Loss

    Uncover the Power of Slim180’s All-Natural Supplements to Accelerate Your Weight Loss

    Uncover the Power of Slim180's All-Natural Supplements

    All-natural Slim180 weight loss supplements contain a variety of natural ingredients to support health and wellness during weight loss journeys.


    Chromium: low chromium levels, lowering blood sugar, antioxidant, improves lean body mass, helps reduce hunger, fights cravings and overeating

    Bitter Orange: Maintains blood sugar levels, lipid levels, Antioxidants

    CHA De Burge: treat cellulite, improve blood circulation and heart function, improve blood pressure

    Green Tea: increases fat burning and breaks down excess fat

    Mucuna Purines L-Dopa: lowers stress, reduces anxiety, improves focus, boosts the libido, and elevates mood

    Garcinia Cambogia:  help keep blood sugar and cholesterol levels in check


    Guarana:  Rich in antioxidants, reduces fatigue and improves focus

    Bitter Orange: Maintains blood sugar levels, lipid levels, Antioxidants

    Ginkgo: Improves circulation and heart health, lowers blood sugar, reduces anxiety, can help fight inflammation, contains antioxidants, improves brain function, supports vision and eye health, can improve asthma, helps reduce PMS Symptoms

    Nutmeg:  antibacterial properties, boosts libido, anti-inflammatory properties, lowers blood pressure


    Blue-Green Algae: source of dietary protein, B vitamins, and iron

    Bromelain: reduces inflammation, improving digestion

    Lecithin: Lowers cholesterol, improves heart health, improves digestion, soothes and moisturizes skin

    Kelp: high in antioxidants, benefits to cardiovascular health

    Apple Cider Vinegar:  Reduces belly fat, lowers blood sugars, improves heart health, lowers cholesterol, kills harmful bacteria


    Vitamin B-6: helps jumpstart weight loss because it helps the body metabolize fat and reduce water retention

    Folate 1360: Help keep water off the body during weight loss

    Vitamin b-12: B12 also reduces water retention owing to its diuretic attributes.


    Niacin – B vitamin that’s made and used by your body to turn food into energy

    Magnesium – dietary components with proven antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity

    Bitter Orange: Maintains blood sugar levels, lipid levels, Antioxidants

    Cayenne – improves heart health, promotes weight loss, improves digestion, improves blood sugar control, and strengthens immunity

    Nutmeg:  antibacterial properties, boosts libido, anti-inflammatory properties, lowers blood pressure

    Carb Blocker

    Great Northern Beans: reducing cholesterol, decreasing blood sugar levels, and increasing healthy gut bacteria

    Mulberry: activates brown fat, reduces cholesterol, improves blood sugar levels

    Gymnema: lowering blood sugar levels and reducing sugar cravings, influence fat absorption and lipid levels

    Cleansing Tea

    Senna, Leaf: help relieve constipation

    Apple: rich in essential antioxidants, flavonoids, and dietary fiber

    Juniper: anti-inflammatory and antioxidant, promotes heart health, antibacterial and antifungal activities

    Hibiscus: prevent hypertension, lower blood pressure, reduce blood sugar levels, keep your liver healthy, help with menstrual cramps, help with depression

    Birch: possesses antibacterial, antiseptic, counterirritant, astringent and anti-inflammatory activity

    Stinging Nettle: reduces inflammation, treats hay fever and low blood pressure, aids in blood sugar control


    Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Fight depression and anxiety, improve eye health, promote brain health, and improve risk factors for heart disease.

    Omega6 Fatty Acids:  reducing the risk of heart disease, lowering total cholesterol levels, lowering “bad” (LDL) cholesterol levels, raising “good” (HDL) cholesterol levels, and reducing cancer risk.

    Learn more about our REGENERATE Weight Loss featuring Semaglutide Weight loss Injections:

    Semaglutide Weight Loss Shots Regenerate Weight Loss Program Slim180 Weight Loss (myslim180.com)

    Learn more about our CRAVE Weight Loss featuring Tirzeaptide Weight loss Injections:

    Tirzepatide Weight Loss – Crave Weight Loss Program – Slim180 Weight Loss (myslim180.com)

    After I finish taking Semaglutide or Tirzepatide, will I regain my weight?

    At Slim180, we don’t believe you must be on Semaglutide or Tirzepatide forever to maintain long-term weight loss. We view Semaglutide or Tirzepatide and other weight-loss injections as a tool to accelerate weight loss.

    Can you keep weight off after stopping Semaglutide or Tirzepatide?

    “The research is clear that it is challenging for most people to keep their weight off after stopping Semaglutide,” says Dr. Lauren Lemieux, an internist and obesity medicine specialist in Boston. “This is despite trying to stick with healthy eating and regular physical activity, which was helping them lose weight in the first place.”

    Lemieux says weight gain after semaglutide use doesn’t mean you did something wrong or lack willpower. It’s the natural consequence of increased appetite and reduced feelings of fullness once the medication has left your system.

    Weight maintenance after stopping Semaglutide or Tirzepatide is a significant challenge, but it’s not insurmountable. Whether or not medication is involved, maintenance is the most demanding part of a weight loss journey. While it may be difficult, there are strategies to help prevent weight regain after stopping Semaglutide or Tirzepatide:

    Follow the Slim180 Nutritional Guidance Program:

    This program is designed to help you develop healthy eating habits, achieve sustainable weight loss, and ensure long-term maintenance of your achievements. (ASK ABOUT OUR GUARANTEE!)

    Continue with professional guidance:

    Working with a team of professionals, such as Slim180 Weight Loss Counselors, may help you keep momentum for long-term weight management.

    Improve the quality of your diet while using Semaglutide or Tirzepatide:

    Eating a diet based on whole foods and minimizing the consumption of ultra-processed foods will help your body naturally regulate your appetite.


    Research has shown that people who exercise more after weight loss are more likely to avoid weight regain in the long term.

    Address the underlying causes of overeating:

    Weight loss is as much about understanding why we eat as it is about how and what. If we can identify the underlying causes of our overeating, we’ll be more able to address them. These could be emotional eating, environmental triggers, or other psychological-related causes like previous trauma.

    Do I need to stay on Semaglutide or Tirzepatide forever?

    We rarely, if ever, recommend relying on Semaglutide or Tirzepatide as a permanent solution. They are designed to provide a temporary break, allowing individuals to begin a journey to uncover and address the root causes of their weight gains.

    Imagine a dynamic duo of Weight Loss Programs and counseling joining forces to tackle the root of the issue! Enter Semaglutide and Tirzepatide, our powerful allies, in quieting the overwhelming ‘food noise’ that often disrupts people’s ability to find their eating off-switch. Together, they work synergistically to help individuals regain control and find peace in their food-related relationships. It’s an incredible breakthrough in the journey towards a healthier and happier life!

    These medications interact with the brain’s appetite control center, the hypothalamus, to provide an opening for treatment. This allows individuals the time and space to address the underlying behavioral, psychological, and environmental causes of their weight gains.

    Some people have specific genetic predispositions to hunger and cravings that only medication may address. However, many people will likely use Semaglutide or Tirzepatide to kickstart their weight loss journey and develop the healthy habits required to rewire their brains and keep their cravings at bay.

    What do I do if I gain my weight back quickly?

    It’s important to remember that if you gain weight back quickly after stopping semaglutide or tirzepatide, it’s not your fault. However, it can be a challenging and frustrating experience. It’s essential to look compassionate at everything that’s changed since discontinuing the medication.

    Have there been shifts in the behaviors that were helping you lose weight in the first place, like tracking foods? It’s natural not to realize just how much your lifestyle has changed after stopping semaglutide or tirzepatide.

    Consider keeping up with daily food tracking and an activity journal to help identify patterns that might contribute to rapid weight gain. Contact your Slim180 Counselors to rule out dietary changes that could impact the gains.

    The Slim180 Difference

    Slim180 has a mission: to help each of our clients improve their quality of life and health with permanent weight loss solutions. Our counselors provide encouragement and support to help you accomplish your weight loss goals. We firmly believe that everyone deserves to live a healthy and happy life!

    The effective approach to weight loss used at Slim180 makes the difference! Easy-to-follow meal plans do not involve counting calories, fat grams, or carbohydrates. The emphasis is on eating real food. Slim180 does not offer pre-packaged foods because our clients need the tools, knowledge, and education to keep their weight off permanently.

    For over a decade, Slim180 has been dedicated to serving clients in St. Louis, delivering highly effective weight-loss programs with and without weight-loss injections. Slim180 Semaglutide and Tirzepatide weight-loss programs are known for producing accelerated results, all while prioritizing scientific evidence and client safety.

    For example, individuals using Semaglutide typically experience a weight loss of 1-3 lbs. per week, depending on their dietary habits. When combining Semaglutide with the Slim180 Nutritional Guidance Program, we have observed weight losses of 3-5 lbs. or more weekly!

    Tirzepatide – Weekly Weight Loss Injections

    Tirzepatide – How can weekly weight loss injections improve your weight loss journey?

    Tirzepatide has shown promising weight loss results in patients! In a clinical trial, Tirzepatide demonstrated superior weight loss compared to a placebo over a 72-week treatment period. Participants taking Tirzepatide lost up to 15.7% of their body weight, with a significant percentage achieving at least a 5% reduction in body weight.

    According to the study, the safety profile for Tirzepatide is generally comparable to other medications approved for weight loss treatment.

    What Does Tirzepatide Do?

    Tirzepatide is a prescription medication that acts as a GIP and GLP-1 receptor agonist. Together, these effects can help control blood sugar levels, reduce appetite by slowing the digestive process, and encourage weight loss.

    An agonist is a medication that acts on a specific receptor to trigger a bodily response. In the case of GIP and GLP-1 agonists like Tirzepatide, they initiate the release of insulin.

    Glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) is a hormone made up of 30 amino acids that comes from the endocrine cells in the intestines. It belongs to a group of hormones called incretins, which help increase insulin production. Glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP) is another incretin that impacts insulin production.

    Tirzepatide’s dual action as a GIP and GLP-1 agonist differentiates it from similar medications like Semaglutide. Some patients find that Tirzepatide provides stronger weight loss effects with fewer adverse effects like nausea.

    How long does Tirzepatide take to start working?

    Tirzepatide influences insulin production as soon as you begin taking the medication. This can lead to benefits like slowed weight gain, reduced risk of developing type-2 diabetes, and less fatigue related to blood sugar spikes throughout the day.

    Despite working quickly on insulin, it may take time to feel the effects of Tirzepatide.

    Many patients report a suppressed appetite after their first dose, but some patients don’t experience this benefit until they’ve taken Tirzepatide for a month or more.

    When you inject your dose, it takes around 24 hours for the medication to be fully absorbed, so the effects often begin the next day after injection.

    When will I see the results?

    Every patient’s experience with weight loss varies, so there is no set timeframe that applies to everyone.

    How quickly you lose weight depends on factors like lifestyle habits, diet, activity level, age, and other medications you may be taking.

    Most people who follow a healthy diet and exercise routine start noticing weight loss within one to two months of starting the medication. Anecdotally, weight loss may occur at lower doses before reaching the maximum dose, but significant weight loss is usually achieved at higher, sustained doses.

    Regardless of when you begin to feel the effects, Tirzepatide and similar medications work best when used to encourage weight loss over time.

    In the study we mentioned earlier, participants were given varying doses of Tirzepatide over the course of 72 weeks (18 months). The study participants who took 5 mg, 10 mg, or 15 mg of Tirzepatide lost an average of 15-21% of their body weight over that time.

    Weight loss programs should aim for long-term results rather than quickly losing weight.

    Rapid weight loss can lead to metabolic changes that make weight gain more common after patients stop trying to lose weight. Lifestyle changes are important in helping patients maintain their progress after they’ve reached their goal weight.

    How much weight do you typically lose on tirzepatide?

    While everyone’s experience is unique, many people have lost 15% or more of their starting body weight with tirzepatide.

    A clinical trial of over 2,500 people experienced significant weight loss in the first of tirzepatide’s weight loss studies. Those treated with tirzepatide had an average weight loss of 15% to 20% of their starting body weight over 72 weeks (about 16.5 months). This worked out to an average weight loss of 34 lbs to 48 lbs. Those taking the placebo (an injection with no medication in it) only had an average of 3% weight loss.

    What’s more, over a third of those taking the highest tirzepatide dose (15 mg per week) lost at least 25% of their starting body weight (over 58 lbs).

    How should Tirzepatide be administered?

    Tirzepatide is typically administered once weekly as a subcutaneous injection. The medication should be started at a lower dose and increased over time. This helps patients avoid more intense side effects because titrating lets the body adjust over time.

    Slim180 guides how to self-administer injections, as well as providing the necessary supplies like syringes and alcohol wipes.

    How does tirzepatide cause weight loss?

    Tirzepatide is thought to promote weight loss by decreasing your appetite and prolonging feelings of fullness. That’s because these effects can cause you to eat fewer calories.

    Tirzepatide is unique because it’s the first combination of two classes of medications: a glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor agonist and a glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP) receptor agonist. Therefore, tirzepatide is known as a dual GLP-1/GIP receptor agonist.

    GLP-1 and GIP are both incretin hormones, which are hormones that are released after eating. Tirzepatide works by mimicking their effects. This includes telling the pancreas to release insulin after eating and signaling the liver to lower the amount of glucose it’s making. These effects help lower blood glucose.

    In addition to helping lower blood glucose, tirzepatide helps with weight loss in a couple of ways:

    • It signals to the brain that you’re full — so you eat less.
    • It slows the movement of food through your stomach — so you feel full longer.

    Other similar injectable weight loss medications only mimic one incretin — GLP-1. It’s thought that because tirzepatide acts like two incretins, it can cause more weight loss than current alternatives. Researchers have studied how effective tirzepatide is for weight loss — for people with and without diabetes.


    If you’re starting Tirzepatide, drug interactions might not have been the first question to come to mind. It’s important to know if it’s safe to combine with other medications you may take. Many interactions involve a drop in your blood glucose (hypoglycemia). But Tirzepatide can also potentially interfere with oral medications, including birth control pills. Let’s review five important Tirzepatide drug interactions you should know about.

    1. Insulin

    Some people with Type 2 diabetes take a combination of insulin and other diabetes medications, like Tirzepatide, to help manage their blood glucose. However, taking both Tirzepatide and insulin can raise the risk of hypoglycemia (blood glucose of less than 70 mg/dL). So extra caution is needed with this combination.

    Watch for symptoms of hypoglycemia when taking Tirzepatide and insulin. These can include shakiness, sweating, and a fast heart rate. Hypoglycemia can be life-threatening in severe cases. So it’s important to treat it quickly if it happens to you.

    To help prevent hypoglycemia, your healthcare provider may lower your dose of insulin when you first start Tirzepatide. Be sure to check your blood glucose as instructed by your provider and let them know if you start experiencing low glucose levels.

    2. Sulfonylureas like glipizide

    Sulfonylureas are a commonly prescribed group of oral diabetes medications. Examples include glipizide (Glucotrol XL), glyburide (Diabeta, Glynase), and glimepiride (Amaryl). Taking Tirzepatide and sulfonylureas can also raise the risk of hypoglycemia.

    Like Tirzepatide, sulfonylureas signal your pancreas to release insulin. The difference is that sulfonylureas tell your pancreas to release insulin whether you’ve eaten or not. Taking a sulfonylurea and Tirzepatide together may lead to the release of too much insulin. This can cause hypoglycemia.

    As with insulin, Tirzepatide and sulfonylureas can still be taken together, if needed. Your healthcare provider may lower your sulfonylurea dose before you start Tirzepatide. Be sure to let them know of any drops in glucose that happen after starting the combination, or after dose increases.

    3. Glinides like repaglinide

    Meglitinides (“glinides”) are a less popular group of oral diabetes medications. Examples of glinides include repaglinide and nateglinide. Like sulfonylureas, they tell your pancreas to release insulin. But glinides work faster and their effects are shorter-lived than sulfonylureas.

    Similar to the medications listed above, taking Tirzepatide and a glinide together can raise the risk of hypoglycemia. If your healthcare provider prescribes both medications for you, they’ll likely adjust your glinide dose when first starting Tirzepatide. Let your provider know if you start experiencing low glucose levels more frequently after starting both medications.

    4. Birth control pills

    Tirzepatide can make birth control pills less effective, especially when first starting Tirzepatide or after dose increases. This can lead to unintended pregnancies or a return of symptoms you’re taking birth control to help manage.

    This Tirzepatide drug interaction happens because of how the medication works. Tirzepatide slows down the movement of food from your stomach to the small intestine. Food that’s delayed in the stomach prevents spikes in your blood glucose and makes you feel full faster and for longer.

    A downside to slower digestion is that it can affect how oral birth control is absorbed from your digestive tract. This could mean less medication is absorbed than what’s supposed to be, potentially causing birth control to be less effective. This interaction is most significant when first starting Tirzepatide, and shortly after any dose increases.

    Tirzepatide can also cause several stomach-related side effects, such as vomiting and diarrhea. Vomiting shortly after a dose of birth control can prevent proper absorption. Diarrhea — particularly diarrhea that continues for 2 days or longer — can also prevent full absorption.

    Non-oral methods of birth control, such as the patch or ring, may be a better option, as they’re not affected by Tirzepatide. You can also use a barrier method, such as condoms. These alternative birth control options should be used for the first 4 weeks after starting Tirzepatide and for 4 weeks anytime your dose increases.

    5. Other oral medications

    Delayed stomach emptying can also affect the absorption of other oral medications, similar to Tirzepatide’s interaction with birth control pills.

    This may be concerning if you take medications that are highly sensitive to small changes in dose, like warfarin. Warfarin can cause serious side effects, like blood clots or bleeding, even when slight changes in its levels happen. Your healthcare provider may recommend monitoring your blood work more frequently when you start Tirzepatide.

    Your healthcare provider or pharmacist can tell you if any medications you take are sensitive to small dose changes. They can also provide you with information on the best way to manage this Tirzepatide interaction.

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    3828 South Lindbergh Blvd. Suite 102
    St. Louis Missouri 63127, USA


    Slim180 Weight Loss O’Fallon

    2502 Highway K
    O’Fallon Missouri 63366 , USA


    Slim180 Weight Loss

    St. Charles

    1978 Zumbehl Rd.,
    St. Charles Missouri 63303, USA


    Slim180 Weight Loss

    Creve Coeur

    10905 Olive Blvd.
    St. Louis Missouri 63141, USA


    Slim180 Weight Loss Chesterfield

    36 Clarkson Wilson Center
    Chesterfield Missouri 63017, USA


    Slim180 Weight Loss Florissant

    2520 North Highway 67
    Florissant Missouri 63033, USA


    Slim180 Creve Coeur

    Slim180 Weight Loss Creve Coeur

    10905 Olive Blvd.St. Louis Missouri 63141 United States

    Slim180 Sunset Hills

    Slim180 Weight Loss Sunset Hills
    3828 South Lindbergh Blvd. Suite 102 St. Louis Missouri 63127 

    Slim180 Chesterfield

    Slim180 Weight Loss Chesterfield


    Slim180 O'Fallon

    Slim180 Weight Loss O’Fallon
    2502 Highway KO’Fallon Missouri 63366 United States

    Slim180 St. Charles

    Slim180 Weight Loss St. Charles
    1978 Zumbehl Rd.St. Charles Missouri 63303 United States

    Slim180 Florissant

    Slim180 Weight Loss Florissant
    2520 North Highway 67Florissant Missouri 63033 United States
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